Photo: Lauri Rotko
Photo: Laura Lehtinen
The Bunny Girl
The Bunny Girl speaks about woman´s purity and loss of identity. It depicts escaping and drowning into dreams, and fantasies that become invincible if one can´t let them go. Saara Turunen´s powerful play progresses in a ferocious stream-of-consciousness, blending levels of reality into a color-saturated fresco. The pressures women face are given stinging, concrete form in a genuinely theatrical way. – –
Written and directed by Saara Turunen
The Theatre Academy of Finland 2008
The Helsinki City Theatre 2009
Published by:
Lasipalatsi 2007
Paso de Gato 2010
Novoje literaturnoje obozrenije 2016
Samsa Editions 2017
Into Kustannus 2019
Translations: English, Spanish, Danish, German, French, Russian, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Estonian
Other productions:
Sala Beckett, Barcelona 2010
Centro Cultural del Bosque, Mexico City 2010
Festival International Cervantino, Guanajuato 2011
Sirály-Theater, Budapest 2010
Vidor-Festival, Nyíregyháza 2010
Divadlo Letí, Praha 2015
Kuunnelmana, ERR Raadioteater, Viro 2012
Radioteatteri, Yleisradio 2014